
T-Mobile Galaxy S6 Edge reportedly receiving Android 5.1.1 OTA already!


Samsung has never been the fastest when it comes to updating to newer versions of Android but thankfully this situation has changed a bit with Lollipop, as the Korean giant has done a pretty good job of pushing the update out to many of its flagship devices. Of course, Android isn’t standing still and due to a number of bugs and performance issues, it recently made the jump from Android 5.0.x to 5.1. How long before Samsung follows suit? Sooner than you’d think.

Up until now, Android 5.1 had been exclusive to Nexus, Android One, and GPe devices, but several reports are coming in that suggest that T-Mobile is now rolling out an update to the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge that brings its software up to version 5.1.1. Yes, you read that right. Samsung isn’t just jumping up to 5.1, they are getting the very latest version of it (5.1.1) — an update that so far hasn’t even hit any Nexus devices, at least outside of the Nexus Player.


It is important to note that neither T-Mobile nor Samsung have confirmed that the update is rolling and there are still very few users reporting that they’ve received it. That said, at least one user over at XDA has caught several screenshots (above) and even a video (below) of the update. While it’s possible that this could still be a limited soak test and not a full OTA rollout, it’s still hard not to be impressed at how quickly Samsung and T-Mobile have apparently pushed this one out.

So what’s new here? In addition to all the changes and bug fixes you’d expect from Android 5.1, 5.1.1 brings a few more bug fixes of its own, and it appears that Samsung is also enabling the ability to create guest accounts on the Galaxy S6 Edge. While the guest account feature has been available on stock Android since the initial rollout of Lollipop, Samsung had chosen to exclude this functionality from its former Lollipop builds, but apparently they have had a change of heart.

Before you start smashing away at the update button on your Galaxy S6 Edge, one note of caution: reportedly the update locks the bootloader on the phone, which may be a deal breaker for some. Any of our viewers receive the update on the T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge (or the GS6 even)? If so, please let us know in the comments!

