
JD.Com Enters Silicon Valley With New Chance To Fuck Up

JD.Com Enters Silicon Valley With New Chance To Fuck Up

Wake me up when they get serious.
After making a noise about opening an English-language version of their site, something weird happened a few months ago where the URL led to a Russian-language version!
Now it’s back to English but worse than it was to begin with — and it was pretty bad from the start.
Come on, this is just embarrassing as hell:
Your software is so fucking bad it can’t do math? How can people trust any price totals?
And not everything is being carried:
Just one of the two LeTV phone models.
And Russian is still lingering in listings:
And then the Chinese wonder why they can’t get any real traction outside of their country?
It’s because of sheer fucking incompetency and sloppiness like that.
This is not a site I can recommend to anyone until they really get their shit together.
And even then, they’ll have to prove it.

